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Firewall ports that must be open to use Xbox 360 as a Media Center Extender

You probably know that an Xbox 360 gaming console can be used to connect to a Windows 7 PC on your network that's running Windows Media Center, and act as an extender. This allows you to watch live or recorded TV, listen to your music and view your photos and videos that are on the PC, via the TV to which the Xbox is connected. If you can't get it to work, the problem might be with the firewall on your Windows 7 computer. Find out more about how to configure it here in KB article 911728:

Happy Birthday! Windows 25 Years

Really.It's really 25 years! November 20, 1985 Microsoft announced its first version of Windows to the world. The anniversary was all over the press, I looked at most of the stories. Instead of rehashing all of that in here, ComputerWorld had by far the best write-up, did their homework, and illustrated the story with screenshots of all the different versions, with a little description.

And after 25 years, you wonder how the next 25 years are going to be. Obviously no one knows, except for the fact that it probably will see -more- change than the first 25 years because we have way more powerful hardware now, and life is changing radically toward mobile. Going to be interesting to see how Windows will adapt to the cloud, which bears the question if OSen are going to be very relevant 10 years from now. This visual tour is quite a bit of fun, so why don't you take this ride through memory lane with me. With its monopoly position, Windows for a long time has pretty much been the only game in town, but things they are a'changin. Check out the tour:

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