Fast-teks FixitFast

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Fast-teks is committed to protecting your data. Data loss statistics are frightening for both homeowners and small businesses:

  • Hardware and system failures account for 78% of all data loss
  • Over 700,000 new viruses were identified last year alone
  • 93% of companies that suffer a significant data loss are out of business within 5 years.
  • A hard drive crashes every 15 seconds
  • 100% of all hard drives eventually fail!

Think about all of the critical data that is on your home or business computer. Financial documents, important letters, spreadsheets, presentations not to mention all of your music files and irreplaceable photos!

While CD’s and desktop backup devices are a good first step, what would happen in case of a fire, flood or break in? Your best (and safest) solution is off site data backup. Your data is securely encrypted and then sent via the internet to a level 4 data center. (Call us and we can explain all of that ‘tech talk’ to you!)

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Want to join a winning team of business owners? Inquire about our franchising opportunities, today.

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